
Controller is responsible for handling incoming request, validate user inputs, calls appropriate application logic behind and returns the response to that request. The response would be different content types based on request such as HTML, JSON, XML, Text, Binary, File, etc.

Table of Contents

How to create a Controller?

A Controller is type struct that embeds the *aah.Context (Note: this is not a standard package context.Context).

// AppController embeds *aah.Context
type AppController struct {

// UserController embeds *aah.Context
type UserController struct {

How to create a Nested Controller?

aah supports nested controllers, the important difference is while nesting controller in another controller it would be non-pointer embed.

// AppController embeds *aah.Context
type AppController struct {

// UserController embeds AppController as nested.
type UserController struct {

Controller provides access to

Route URLs

aah provides a simple way to create route URL using route name defined in routes.conf.

Method NameDescription
RouteURLGenerates the URL for given route name and arguments (optional)
RouteURLNamedArgsGenerates the URL for given route name and map of named arguments (required). Also remaining provided values added as URL Query parameters.


// let's say route named `login` has path `/login.html`

// Output

// let's say route named `user_info` has path `/v1/users/:userId`
RouteURL("user_info", 100001)

// Output

// let's say route named 'product_info' has path `/product/:productId`
RouteURLNamedArgs("product_info", map[string]interface{}{
  "id": "5564HFGFG56207",
  "lang": "es",

// Output