aah Security Configuration

aah Security configuration is to configure Authentication, Authorization, Session Management, Secure Headers, Anti-CSRF, etc. The aah config syntax is very similar to HOCON. Learn configuration syntax.

Table of Contents

Section: security { … }

To configure application security configuration such as Auth schemes, Password Encoder, Session, Anti-CSRF, secure HTTP headers.

Section: session { … }

aah session management supports stateful and stateless.

session { ... } configuration goes under the config section security { ... }.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Session configuration
# HTTP state management across multiple requests.
# Doc: https://docs.aahframework.org/security-config.html#section-session
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
session {
  # Session mode
  #   - `stateless` - Session data is destroyed at end of each request
  #   - `stateful` - Session data is persisted on session store
  # Default value is `stateless` for API and `stateful` for Web app.
  mode = "stateful"

  # Session store is to choose where session value should be persisted.
  store {
    # aah supports `cookie` and `file` as store type out of the box.
    # And provides extensible `session.Storer` interface for implementing
    # custom session store.
    # Note: While using cookie session store, be mindful about cookie size limit.
    # Default value is `cookie`.
    type = "cookie"

    # Filepath is used for file session store in the file system.
    # This is only applicable when `type = "file"`, make sure application has
    # Read/Write access to the directory. Provide absolute path.
    # Default value is `<app-base-dir>/sessions`.
    #filepath = "/path/to/session/directory"

  # Session ID length
  # Default value is `32`.
  id_length = 32

  # Time-to-live for session data. Valid time units are "m = minutes",
  # "h = hours" and 0.
  # Default value is `0`, cookie is deleted when the browser is closed.
  ttl = "0"

  # Session cookie name prefix.
  # Default value is `aah_<app-name>` For e.g.: `aah_myapp_session`
  prefix = "aah_myapp_session"

  # Default value is `empty` string.
  domain = ""

  # Default value is `/`.
  path = "/"

  # HTTP session cookie HTTPOnly value. This option is to prevents XSS
  # (Cross Site Scripting) attacks, basically it disallows access of
  # cookie to scripts like JavaScript.
  # Default value is `true`.
  http_only = true

  # HTTP session cookie secure value.
  # Default value is `true`. However if aah server is not configured with SSL
  # then aah sets this value as false.
  secure = true

  # HTTP session cookie value signing using `HMAC`. For server farm this
  # value should be same in all instance. For HMAC sign & verify it recommend to use
  # key size is `32` or `64` bytes.
  # Default value is `64` bytes (`aah new` generates strong one using `crypto/rand`).
  sign_key = "829747ee8378bc6e84fcb226d586b98976fc4e80f90dd0df59542a553cfa3e7f"

  # HTTP session cookie value encryption and decryption using `AES`. For server
  # farm this value should be same in all instance. AES algorithm is used, valid
  # lengths are `16`, `24`, or `32` bytes to select `AES-128`, `AES-192`, or `AES-256`.
  # Default value is `32` bytes (`aah new` generates strong one using `crypto/rand`).
  enc_key = "d98b1966eb94e9fa35e25e611beba369"

  # Cleanup Interval is used to clean the expired session data from session store.
  # It is only applicable for non-cookie store type.
  # Cleanup performed in dedicated goroutine. Valid time units are
  # `m -> minutes`, `h -> hours`.
  # Default value is `30m`.
  cleanup_interval = "30m"

Section: http_header { … }

Since v0.8.0 aah provides response secure headers with many safe defaults. Typically non-empty header values from configuration gets added into response header.

http_header { ... } configuration goes under the config section security { ... }.

Framework writes the secure response headers appropriately based on Content-Type.


  • Quick way to verify your application secure headers - https://securityheaders.io
  • Exclude header from writing, just put empty string as a value.

Header: X-XSS-Protection

Designed to enable the cross-site scripting (XSS) filter built into modern web browsers. This is usually enabled by default, but using this header will enforce it.

Learn more:

Encouraged to make use of header Content-Security-Policy with enhanced policy to reduce XSS risk along with header X-XSS-Protection.

Default values is 1; mode=block.

xxssp = "1; mode=block"

Header: X-Content-Type-Options

Prevents Content Sniffing or MIME sniffing.

Learn more:

Default value is nosniff.

xcto = "nosniff"

Header: X-Frame-Options

Prevents Clickjacking.

Learn more:

Default value is SAMEORIGIN.


Header: Referrer-Policy

This header governs which referrer information, sent in the Referer header, should be included with requests made.

Referrer Policy has been a W3C Candidate Recommendation since 26 January 2017.

Learn more:

Default value is no-referrer-when-downgrade.

rp = "no-referrer-when-downgrade"

Header: Strict-Transport-Security (STS, aka HSTS)

STS header that lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be communicated with using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.

Learn more:

Note: Framework checks that application uses SSL on startup then applies this header. Otherwise it does not apply.

sts {
  # The time, in seconds, that the browser should remember that this site
  # is only to be accessed using HTTPS. Valid time units are
  # "s -> seconds", "m -> minutes", "h - hours".
  # Default value is `30 days` in hours.
  #max_age = "720h"

  # If enabled the STS rule applies to all of the site's subdomains as well.
  # Default value is `false`.
  #include_subdomains = true

  # Before enabling preload option, please read about pros and cons from above links.
  # Default value is `false`.
  #preload = false

Header: Content-Security-Policy (CSP)

Provides a rich set of policy directives that enable fairly granular control over the resources that a page is allowed. Prevents XSS risks.

Learn more:

Read above references and define your policy.


  • It is highly recommended to verify your policy directives in report only mode before enabling this header. Since its highly controls how your page is rendered.
  • Only applied to prod environment profile.

No default values, you have to provide it.

csp {
  # Set of directives to govern the resources load on a page.
  directives = ""

  # By default, violation reports aren't sent. To enable violation reporting,
  # you need to specify the report-uri policy directive.
  report_uri = ""

  # Puts your `Content-Security-Policy` in report only mode, so that you can verify
  # and then set `csp_report_only` value to false.
  # Don't forget to set the `report-uri` for validation.
  report_only = true

Header: Public-Key-Pins (PKP, aka HPKP)

This header prevents the Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) with forged certificates.

Learn more:

Read above references and define your keys.


  • HPKP has the potential to lock out site/users for a long time if used incorrectly! The use of backup certificates and/or pinning the CA certificate is recommended.
  • It is highly recommended to verify your PKP in report only mode before enabling this header
  • Framework checks that application uses SSL on startup then applies this header. Otherwise it does not apply
  • Only applied to prod environment profile.

No default values, you have to provide it.

pkp {
  # The Base64 encoded Subject Public Key Information (SPKI) fingerprint.
  # These values gets added as `pin-sha256=<key1>; ...`.
  #keys = [

  # The time that the browser should remember that this site is only to be
  # accessed using one of the defined keys.
  # Valid time units are "s -> seconds", "m -> minutes", "h - hours".
  max_age = "720h"

  # If enabled the PKP keys applies to all of the site's subdomains as well.
  # Default value is `false`.
  include_subdomains = false

  # By default, Pin validation failure reports aren't sent. To enable Pin validation
  # failure reporting, you need to specify the report-uri.
  report_uri = ""

  # Puts your `Public-Key-Pins` in report only mode, so that you can verify
  # and then set `pkp_report_only` value to false.
  # Don't forget to set the `report-uri` for validation.
  report_only = true

Header: X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies

Restrict Adobe Flash Player’s or PDF documents access via crossdomain.xml, and this header.

Learn more:

Default value is master-only.

xpcdp = "master-only"