Release Notes - v0.7.x

What’s new?

v0.7 accomplished two major milestone, hooray!

  • Security - Authentication & Authorization, refer to design.
  • Server Access Log, refer to doc.
  • Hot-Reload for development, refer to design.
  • aah clean command and Improved CLI experience.
  • Cache Bust for static files via filename.




  • Added i18n URL Path Variable support e.g. /en/index.html #71.
  • Added simple cache burst option for static files via filename #68.
  • Added aah Logger Hook support, so that you can send logs to external systems like kibana, splunk, etc. #66.
  • Logger Level and convenient methods exposed #61.
  • Added aah clean command #78.
  • Code Improvements, Documentation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix - method config.IsExists for key handling on environment profile #70.

Migration Guide


To adapt to latest configuration from release. Create a new project, compare new configurations (under `config/*`) with yours then merge it. Bingo! you're on to new configurations.

aah CLI tool

aah CLI tool is revamped in v0.7 release. CLI supports POSIX flags (long & short), command alias for quick use and natural flag names. No change command names except version command, it become flag i.e. aah -v or aah --version.

Take a moment familiarize yourself. Run aah to see an improved CLI.


You will see similar output:

   aah framework v0.7 -
# Report improvements/bugs at

  aah [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

  new, n       Create new aah 'web' or 'api' application (interactive)
  run, r       Run aah framework application (supports hot-reload)
  build, b     Build aah application for deployment
  list, l      List all aah projects in GOPATH
  clean, c     Cleans the aah generated files and build directory
  help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Global Options:
  -h, --help     show help
  -v, --version  print aah framework version and go version

aah security library

In v0.7 release, aah achieves major milestone of security implementation - Authentication & Authorization. I have done lots of work in security library. Even though there is a change which might break aah v0.6 if you have used aah.AppSecurityManager() call, I doubt it. Otherwise no issues and no code change required in your application. So rest easy and upgrade it to latest version.

Only update required is, configuration. Add the following config into aah.conf.

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Application Security
# Doc:
# --------------------------------------------------------------
include "./security.conf"

aah.conf Configuration

In aah.conf runtime.pooling { ... } configuration is no longer required, so please remove it. Since aah automatically manages the memory pooling effectively without any settings.

aah framework

To update aah framework to v0.7, refer to FAQ - How to update aah framework to the latest version?