aah Deployment

This document provides an information of deployment checklist and steps involved to prepare aah application for production use.

Recommended way to deploy aah application is to create platform targeted binary. Use the build archive file on the server instead of aah run.

Table of Contents

Preparation Checklist

  • Ensure all the necessary configuration have been done for targeted profile (for e.g: prod)
    • Note: It is recommended to keep sensitive details outside the application codebase.
      • Use flag -config /path/to/configfile.conf on aah binary during a startup
      • Use Environment variables
  • Add prod.routes { ... } into prod.conf.
    • By nature of aah supports domains and sub-domains routing (aka domain routing) out-of-the-box. It is must to configure domain name and port information. You have to define route host name in the prod environment profile. Refer to below example.
  • Refer to Cross Compile Build to create platform targeted build artifact.
  • Refer to aah application binary to know how startup script. Feel free create your own, if you have specific need.

Deploy the application.

Sample Route Host name config in prod Environment profile

# This is configuration of aahframework.org and docs.aahframework.org websites.
env {
  prod {
    routes {
      domains {
        aahframework { # this section name is same domain config name in the routes.conf
          host = "aahframework.org"

          # Define port no, if listening port different from serve port
          # For example:
          #   aahframework.org website is running on port 8080
          #   and get served on port 443 via nginx
          port = "443"  

        docs_aahframework { # this section name is same domain config name in the routes.conf
          host = "docs.aahframework.org"

          # Define port no, if listening port different from serve port
          # For example:
          #   docs.aahframework.org website is running on port 8080
          #   and get served on port 443 via nginx
          port = "443"

How to: Dockerize
